How do I know what my order number is?
There are 2 places you can find out your order number.
Order Confirmation Email
When you place an order, you are automatically sent an email from us, confirming it. The order number (as well as how to contact the store) is on there:
Note: If you can't find your confirmation email, check your spam folder, or search the email by keyword "". If you are using Gmail, check the promotions folder.
Orders page (if you have a Shopxv Store account)
If you have a shopxv store account (specifically, if you had the account before placing the order and used it to make the order) you can also look up your order number under "My Account" when you log in.
If you still can't find your order number, you can contact Customer Concierge via email at or via the Contact Us section on our site. please include any information you may have, such as first and last name, date, or order email address to assist us in locating your order efficiently.